One Year older, and wiser too!


This kid is a whole year old. 365 days he has blessed our family with his chubby cheeks and stinkin adorable personality. I just can't get enough! And I can't believe his is already a year old. Stop it! Stop growing up. Soon you will be a "big kid" and not want to snuggle your Aunt Katie anymore. Nate and Amanda have done a great job of raising this little cherub! He is a doll, anyone who has met him will surely testify to that!
Love you tiny baby Gabaroooo!!
This girl here. Brushing her hair at the table. Is celebrating her 19th Day of birth today!!! Happy birthday best pal!! This girl and I have been pretty much inseperable since 7th grade; the day we both gave each other the snotty "I can't believe Mr. Oliver just made that stupid joke about us having the same name look" BOOM. Instant friends. We have been through stupid classes, stupid boyfriends, good boyfriends! breakups and makeups, two efy sessions complete with extra packed underwear because of our inability to stop laughing, working at Two Fat Guys together slipping on beets and acting like tiny talking mice, near death experiencing,and almost killing a family of racoons. There is just  so much!
Happy Birthday Bestest PAL!!

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