Day 28

An Old Picture.. and how I've changed since then:
hahahahahhaa... I can only just laugh hysterically at this picture.
Who puts a picture this attractive on their blog?
I do!
Christmas morning 2009...
Missing 5 siblings, sad.
Hmm... How have I changed since this picture?
I graduated high school!
I visited Idaho for the first time in my life.
I made plans to move out of the
I started a new Job
Started "freshman" year of college.
Sent the boy on a mission!
Have grown so much closer to my parents.
Have changed my major like.. three different times.
Back to the original.
Basically there have been a lot of changes this last year
major and minor.
But I would have to say that all of them have given me,
a better idea of the type of person I want to be,
what I want to do with my life,
Who I want to be in my life,
what is truly important in my life,
a greater sense of responsiblility.
Ya dig?

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