Seven Whole Months.

Seven months ago to the day
Cameron Dale received his mission call. 
South Salvador Brazil. 
May 21st, 2010
Has it seriously been that long? 
Since I wasn't much of a blogger back then, 
let me bore you with the events that took place! 
After all, this is my "journal" for me, not you! 
You just get the pleasure of reading it!

I traveled up to Salt Lake Wednesday May 19th from St. George so I could go with Cam to open his call, and experience my first time in Idaho! I spent the day with my sisters playing with the infants and getting pedicures while Cam finished up work and packed. The next day Cam worked a half day then picked me up to head to Idaho. We went to lunch, watched part of top gun, drove around downtown, and toured the Capitol where he worked awaiting the news of when our plane would be arriving to jet us up to Idaho! ...Thats right, we flew via Taco Bell plane! Finally we go to the "hanger" to wait, the plane should be arriving shortly. Not. Naturally I fall asleep and wake up to Cam chatting it up with some guy next to us while I sleep, surely with my mouth gaping wide open like a lady on his shoulder. Shortly after the plane comes, we(well Cam) loads up our stuff and then informs me I will be sitting Co-pilot. Terrifying. After about two hours of terror, we land. Cams dad picks us up, and we head for good ol' Namp Town, of course the whole way Cameron pointing out every tiny thing that had anything to do with his life along the way. Cute :] Finally at his house we chat, unpack, watch a movie (yes, I fell asleep again) and head for bed. The next day I went to fiddle lessons with Brice, Jackson and Cams mom while he got ready for the day... SO cute. My children will definitely play some sort of tiny instrument. Fiddle lessons ran a little longer than Cam could handle I guess because before I knew it he was on his way over in the Jeep to "rescue" me. Little did he know I could have watched those cute kids play all day long! The day continued on with a tour of downtown Boise, BIG JUDDS stinkin huge 3lb hamburger that Cam and I polished off nicely (Oh yeah, we felt like junk the whoole rest of the day) Then we headed back to the house to get ready for everyone to come over for the opening of the call! Cam was a little more than anxious because he had had to wait an extra day to open the dang thing. Friends and family gathered and everyone cast their lots as to where he was going. My guess..California. (of course I had to choose the place he wanted to go very least because i'm funny) Cam sat down next to me waiting for everyone to finish their guesses (So cute. For some reason I didn't think he would sit by me, you know with it being kind of a family oriented thing I thought he would sit by family and such. Ah so cute.) Cam got up and tore into his big white envelope..and started to read. The poor kid was so nervous and you could hear his nerves in his voice....South Salvador Brazil!!! Hoots and Hollars for the crowd and he continued to read. I'm not going to cry, i'm not going to cry...I WILL NOT cry I kept repeating in my head. Of course I cry. The minute Cam finished reading "south Salvador Brazil" he was choking back the "I'm a guy and everyone knows guys don't cry" tears. So I blame him for my tears. And I'm sure everyone else in the room did too. Including all of his macho friends sitting behind me. I will never forget the spirit that was in that room in that moment. It was so amazing to see a boy who is so ready, willing, and able, and excited to completely put his life on hold for two years to serve the Lord. Afterwards  he was congratulated hugged, kissed, etc,etc. I walked back to my room to grab my phone and let my family know. On my way back to my suprise Cam met me in the hallway with a giant hug. Dang these tears! I was so excited for him, it was impossible not to be! Needless to say, the rest of the weekend was followed by soooo muuuuchh research on Brazil :] We flew home the following Tuesday. Back to reality, and back to get started on the 5 month wait ahead of us! 

That trip was seriously unforgettable. Ahh such happy memories! 
And seriously, I am awesome because I predicted California...and where is he now?
That's right peeps. Chula Vista San Diego...California. Awww yeah.

1 comment:

  1. Don't you wish it were 7mo in the mission field already though?!?! What a fun, special day to remember back on.
