One Nation Under God.

Let's start with a little background shall we?
At the beginning of the semester, Katelyn and I decided we needed to take political science together. Mr. Joe Green sounded promising. A few weeks before classes started started, Katelyn recalled a friend of ours who absolutely hated the class. We disscused it briefly, and what did we decide to do?
Naturally we stay in the class.
This would prove to be a terrible, terrible decision.
Needless to say we have struggled with this class alllll semester long. This professor can not give clear directions to save his life!! Everything he does is sooo complex and so detailed that it makes it impossible to truly understand what it is that is expected of you . Not to mention he is incredibly intelligent. He knows his stuff, I'll give him that. However, what he does not know is how to teach a BASIC political science class to students who could quite frankly give a flying rats bum about political science, we are just trying to get this GE class out of the way for goodness sakes!
Moving on.
All semester long he has let us as a class duke it out. And what I mean by this is that he give us contraversal issues and lets us debate them between class members (I will admit I did enjoy this part of class...maybe I just like to argue?), all the while never giving any sort of inclination as to what "idealogy" he is. He would play the devils advocate for whatever it was we were argueing for, quiiitee frustrating at times. All semester long he kept telling us that on the last day of class we could ask him his opinions on all of the issues.
Today was that day. (Thanks Heavens!)
He was asked questions such as what his opinion on Gay marriage is, torture in America, Affirmative action, and things of that nature. Oh! By the way, he is "Libritarian?" which basically means he is against any sort of government control. Anywhoo, then someone raised their hand and asked "Do you believe that there was any sort of unseen hand, or God if you will, in the creation of America" This question was followed by a very ubrupt, very stern "NO" Seriously, you could have heard a pin drop in that classroom. I think everyone was taken back. That class is full of many different religions from atheists to Jehovahs witnesses, and everyone was silent. It was thee sickest feeling I have ever felt in a class before. Immediately I could feel a lack of the spirit in that room, (not that I feel it there in great abundance anyways seeing as we are all always at each others throats) Seriously though, it was discusting. I have the hardest time wrapping my mind around how people can think like that. How can they look at all that we have here in America and NOT believe that God has a part in this? I am so grateful to have been raised in the Gospel where I know without a doubt that Heavenly Father has a part in every aspect of our lives.

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