100 Days.

Tomorrow Cameron Dale has been gone for 100 days!
Thats a ton of days peeps.
A lot has already happend in only 100 short days!
  • Halloween 2010 came and went
  • Freshman fall semester ended.
  • Finals week was survived gracefully.
  • Thanksgiving 2010 graced us with its presence.
  • Cam Completed MTC, transfered to Chula Vista!
  • 37 minute phone call!
  • I saw Sexy Jason Derulo in Concert!
  • Family time up in Salt Lake for Christmas.
  • Christmas 2010
  • New Years 2010. So fun! Despite the lack of new years kiss.
  • Goodbyeee 2010... Hellllloo 2011!
  • New Years Resolutions were made.
  • Spring semester started.
  • It SNOWED in STG
  • Baby Addison Irene was birthed!
  • Cams Visa arrived!
  • Cam Called from Airport! ....noo big, that was TODAY!
I can't believe how fast this time is going by.
I could not be more grateful.
Not only for the time passing,
but everything I have been able to experience and learn for myself.
my suppportive family.
endless support from the Ricker family.
My supportive encouraging friends that keep me laughing.
My heavenly father and his incredible listening/comforting abilities.
Family prayers my dad says, and how..
"Please bless the missionaries"
has turned into
"Please bless Cameron"

Life is good :]

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