Just for fun

Dear sportsfans, take a gander at this fun little "missionary survey"
Boy on the brain today :]

What's your missionary's middle name?
Who is his favorite relative?
He is a big family boy. I'm pretty sure he doesn't have a favorite?
What is his favorite color?
Blue and Green
What is his greatest fear?
He hates needles.. well actually, he kinda got over that! But he has this completely irrational fear that I will marry his best friend while he is gone.
Did he ever wear braces?
If applicable, who has been his favorite companion thus far?
I'd say Elder Vittelli ... he just got him, but the only normal one thus far!
What is a secret talent he possesses?
He is actually a pretty good singer! I only get to hear it if I beg and plead.
If applicable, what cologne does he wear?
Burberry is my favorite, so he wears that one a lot. But he has a TON. He likes to switch it up
What is his favorite movie?
He really loves how to train your dragon! hahaha. He lovves movies, He has so many favorites.
Does he get along better with his mom or dad?
I have never ever heard him talk of not getting along with with either one of them. Both!
What's something he likes about himself?
He thinks he is pretty funny ;]
What does he want to be when he 'grows up'?
His ultimate dream is to be an ambassador! But I think he wants to be some sort of Liason between the US and another country; probably Brazil.
What does he like most about you?
He says my smile, personality... and legs haha!
How many kids does he want?
Three...... I want six.
What is his favorite holiday?
I'm pretty sure he really loves the Fourth of July.
What is his most embarrassing moment?
Easily the time with my family at Lagoon... hahahah.
What does he do on guy's nights with his guy friends?
They play video games, for HOURS. Or they go play basketball, raquetball, tennis... something of the sort.
Who are his best friends?
Tanner and Spencer have been his best friends for as long as I've known him.
What kind of car does he dream of having?
Oh goodness.. I have no idea? I don't really think he cares. It will probably be a Malibu, they seem to run in the family.
How did he really feel about going on a mission?
He was so excited. And so ready! He was pumped to be going to some third world country where he had a "good chance of being killed". Suuuch a boy.

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