Latest Loves.

I just discovered this beauty this week. And so far, I LOVE it. My face literally feels like an infants bottom after I use it. And it smells soooo good. I can't get enough of it! Seriously sports fans, it is great. And cheap for us struggling college students! ;]
I also love this. Tinted moisturizer is the best thing since sliced bread. It is so much lighter than a foundation, and covers just as well with a little powder. But best of all, it looks natural; something many make-uped faces struggle with these days. This little bottle weighs in at about $15 ... not too terrrribllee.. but still, I
would say it is worth it!

Unfortunately this brand is a little pricy. But my face refuses to use anything else. I've tried, and my face completely rebelled. Bummer! But I do love it!
Thank you Burt and his Bees for making chapstick that my lippies love!

My sister Taylor introduced these books to my mom, who in turn introduced them to me! I am hooked! They are so interesting. The series is called "The Great and Terrible" and it is basically a fictional story about the premortal life. It is an easy read and definately worth it!

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