What. A. Morning.

11:30pm: Head to bed with my tiny bugzee!

4:44am: Bugzee wakes up, he needs to go potty. I discover upon taking him outside...SNOW everyhwere. It wasn't even cold last night!
6:15am: Alarm Clock goes off, tiiiiime for work.

6:51: Rushing out the door, going to be late!

6:51-7:05: Creeeping along the freeway, slipping and sliding. Terrifying!

7:10-7:15 Late. Rounding the corner to my work. Run out of gas. Luckily, there is a station right there, had enough fumes to rollllll into the gas station, not quite to a pump. Run in, get a little gas container, attempt to fill up my car enough to make it to work. On my way! ....don't quite make it.... car runs out. again.

7:30: Poor little car sits on the street as I scurry into work. A half hour late.

Normally, this would have really ruined my day. But today, I could only laugh. Why you ask? Heavenly Father has a siiiick sense of humor! One of my new years resolutions is to say morning prayers (I will admit I am terrible at that) so today, as I am hurrying out the door, It comes to me "You need to say your prayers" .... I decide to just do it when I get to work when I can. Point Taken!

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