
Sometime this last summer... I decided I needed to change up my room a bit. Afterall, I had graduated from High School and the Lime green wall and Hot pink carpet had to go... I was a big kid now! Naturally, I did not waste anytime. I immediately began stripping things off my walls, and boxing stuff up until I pretty much was left with a bed. I then recruited my main man to help me paint the walls. Cam spend a whole weekend with me locked in my room (Every boys dream, yes? ;]) Jk sportsfans! But seriously, one whole weekend was spent slaving away paiting these walls. At one point we even got in a fight because I kept being silly and paiting Cams hairy arms and legs when he wasn't looking....(I guess it hurts washing it off cause of all the hair) and he kept doing it back to me, the nerve.... So we bickered for a moment...but soon enough all was well and we had a completely new room. New paint, new carpet, wahoo! ........ 6ish months later. It is mostly finished... except a few more wall hangings and such. Here are some of the highlights.
This bed! I love it so. Nice and tall.
Probably needs a few more pillows.
Maybe a friend for little Brunswick.
My closet. Yes, it needs a little lovin.
But it gets the job done.
Mom asked me the other night,
why I sleep with it open?
I replied,
I really have a fear of people hiding in it.
And thats the honest truth.
So open it stays.
This little beauty used to be white.
I got creative one day and painted it.
Okay, it took me many days.
And Gave dad many headaches.
So what if the paint was way too thick?
I'm new at this!
This is the thing In this room,
That I am most proud of.
I desperately needed a bedside table.
Searched, and searched.
Found this little darling at DI
8 bucks.
three-ish cans of spray paint.
And a darling vintage knob.
And she fits right in!
Christmas present from Kenz.
Pretty happy with the way it turned out.
And how could you forget the Mission Countdown?
Can you believe it, "CA" already filled!
My family referes to this as my "Shrine"

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