Feel like letting go

A friend and I were trying to reach a conclusion.
They said, "Well what do you want to do"
refering to the grand scheme of the situation,
not literally "what do you want to do?"
entertainment wise.
My reply?
"Have fun"
They asked me to expand.
So I did.
I'm sick of over-thinking.
And thinking about the past,
and the future.
I want to have fun.
Right here, right now.
Go with the flow, do what I feel is best at the moment.
And see where that gets me.
I may end up right where I expect.
I may end up completely opposite of that.
But for now,
I'm going to have fun.
Do my part,
Put my trust in the Lord.
And see where that gets me.
If I do that,
Where ever I end up,
I can rest assured,
It's the right place for me.

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