Charmed life.

I feel so blessed that it's unreal. Literally, unreal. I sometimes have to pinch myself a bazillion times a day to remind myself that this is for real, for real! I was going to title this blog post "Blessed" but then I heard this song by Joy Williams called "Charmed life" and it basically said everything I want to say in this post. 
But I will say it anyways, for your viewing pleasure. 

It's crazy how happy I am right now. 
I like to think that I am a pretty happy person normally.
But being in gorgeous Thailand, LIVING here, being with great roomies, 
having an amazing host family and native coordinator, watching these tiny kids pick everything up so    quickly, experiencing incredible humidity alll day long just to have it downpour at night, $1 ammmazing smoothies just 3 minutes away. Delicious food galore, incredibly friendly people all over our little Phitchit, and this place feeling like home since day one, even the itchy mesquito bites and tiny ants that get into everything, makes me realize how truly blessed and lucky I am to be here.
I'm living a charmed life.

Now, what you all really want to see. 
Scenes from the week! 
The pool area at "Mom and Dads" Garden home. 
This place is soo big and beautiful. We are so spoiled. 

Looking real classy in our helmets. 

This one pretty much speaks for itself I'd say.. 

First day of teaching and I'm already making room in my suitcase for these kids. 

Mew and Phuvit. Both little stinkers, but both two of my favorites. 

Kaow Tung. He's a favorite of all of us teachers. So sweet and when he gets excited he does the funniest little wiggle dance while he giggles and laughs. And that can't ignore those beautiful locks. 

Home sweet home/school sweet school. We move in tomorrow! 

1 comment:

  1. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!! Glad you are having the time of your life. Those are some cute, cute kiddos!
