Thailand--no this is not a dream!

I'm here! I'm here I'm here! 
Annnd it still hasn't really sunk in yet. 
Okay, it kind of has. Because as I sit here writing this.. 
I'm sweating to death, and there is a busy Phichit street just under our kitchen window, 
thus allowing me to hear all of the passing moterbikes/tuktuks... etc. 
And it's is AWESOME. 
I love Thailand already :]

Buttttt I'm not going to really blog, yet.
Because I think i'm going to do a weekly blog post.
Annnd I'd rather go for a bike ride around town.
Stay tuned!


  1. Oh this has wet my whistle to hear all about it. I hope one week comes very quickly for my sake!!! I am so glad you are there safe and sound. Enjoy your bike ride! Enjoy EVERYTHING!!!

  2. Livin' the dream! I don't know if once a week is enough girl....glad you're safe, miss ya, live it up! But not too much because "we DON'T have a special set of skiils" :)
