Meet the Roomies: Marci

Everybody meet Marci. 
From the very first week here, Marci and I were forced to get really close, really fast. 
We drew names--and her and I were chosen to share a bed. 
The girl is flippin hilarious. Together, we are comic gold. 
From the first time I rolled over, and she was on her laptop, under the covers so that she would not wake me up...I knew we would get along just wonderful.

As it turns out we love a lot of the same music.
And a lot of the same pointless but hilarious Youtube videos. 
After countless hours of laughter, 
laying next to each other not saying a word for hours as we watched our shows, 
being attacked by ants together, and sharing a fear of spiders. 
Our friendship just grew and grew... 

And now she's comfortable creepily crawling into my bed while I nap. 
I can tell that this friendship, is just beginning.

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