
Sooo...I just found this document that I wrote on the flight from Seoul to Bangkok.
It was the semi beginning of my Thai adventures, so I feel like it's kiiinda important to document on here.

Well here I am! “Blogging the heck out of my trip” like I have been instructed to do by everyone back home. Right now, I am sitting on our connecting flight from Seoul to Bangkok, three and a half hours in with three more to go! It’s Tuesday here…which is weird. It hurts my head to think about how many times we have gone forward, backwards…and forwards again in time within the last 24 hours. And it’s weird to say “24” hours because I am not even sure what that means anymore! Could be way more, could be way less…who knows.

It seriously seems like eons ago that I was at the SLC airport meeting the group, checking-in, and excitedly waiting for our flight to LAX. And now here I am X amount of hours later…on the other side of the world!! Have I mentioned how cool this experience is? Because it is, really cool.

The flight to LAX wasn’t bad at all, though we were all starving marvin, and trying our very hardest to stay awake because we were all pooped! When we got to LAX…it was a joke. Hahaha we had to ask directions to get to our connecting gate like 15 different times, and probably walked 5 miles getting there. Let’s put it this way, we had a 2.5 hour layover, and made it to our gate—foodless…about 15 minutes before boarding. When we finally got through the gates, this bus thing took us to our GIANORMOUS plane. Two stories and all. We settled in, popped our sleeping aids, and tried our very best to sleep the flight away. It was a little bit difficult to get comfortable, but we were so tired I don’t think we really cared. Poor Angie did not sleep at all, but she DID get two more packs of peanuts and pretzels than we did. Hahaha. About 3am LA time, they started serving this ridiculously spicy food called “bitmap”. I happened to wake up right before they came around and Shayla was still asleep next to me, so I woke her up thinking this was not something she would want to miss out on. Funniest 15 minutes…evvvver. We were so groggy and SO confused as to why they were serving us DINNER at 3am. We happened to be going through a bit of terbulance at that point to…so needless to say, we did not eat much. We slept on and off, and soon enough—we landed in Seoul!

Our layover in Seoul was really painless. We took advantage of the high-tech bathrooms, and moving side-walk type things. Went through security for the 3rd and last time…and headed to our gate where we were all excited to find out there was free wi-fi. It was a sight to be seen….5 American white girls, glued to their laptops. What can ya do? Guess we miss home a little bit—no matter how tough we try to act tough.
Well, about 3 more hours until we touch down in Bangkok! And 4 more hours after that…we will be in Phichit!! ….I can’t wait to shower. And brush my teeth. And stretch these long gams. 

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