Scenes from Phichit--overload.

"Would you like to tell me why this is in my bed Kaitlen?" 
"...Would YOU like to tell me why it's in your bed, Marci?"

The "Gingerbread Man" my older class made in Drama

Parawae and myself. 
Pay no mind to my seperated bangs.. 

I didn't intend for this picture to be so zoomed up, it just happened that way. 
But kind cute. Kaow Tung and myself!
This little boy, man he tugs at my heart strings. 

Plangs classic face. She loves to say words with "OO" sounds in them.
Just so she can make this face. It never gets old. 

Some of my older kids hiding from "Teacher Kaitlen" at milk time. 
Aren't they adorable?! Or am I just biased? 

You'll often find my bed looking like this during the week. 
Lesson planning, blogging, skyping family when possible. Oh the joys!

Ready for our first real "night on the town" 
We got all dolled our hats...and star wars T-shirts..cute right? 

Action shot on the bizzike! Aww yeah!

Cute little roomie fries + live music night.
We're thinking this is going to be a weekly outing. 

Sometimes Marci and I like to creep up on Jack.. 

And occassionally we like to be cute. 

We made it in the newspaper!! 

Sooo green! See what I mean by the Jurassic park look? 

Marci and know, just sharing a delicious muscle. 

"Is this how you're supposed to ride these things?" 

Every day peeps. This is our view from our window, every morning. 
Ahh...does it get much better? 

More scenes from our scenic bike exploring! 

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