I believe in a thing called love

Today was seriously such a great day. 
It being Friday and such, I thought for sure the kids would be wired and ready to leave, 
they were quite the opposite. Teaching today was SO FUN. 

After teaching today we ate lunch prepared by our personal Chef man--"Rose" 
After being spoiled by Grannys cooking for two weeks, we are always a little weary of Rose's cooking. 
But his stir-fry today was theee bomb diggity! And for the maybe the...2nd time since we have been here, 
I was full. It's a Christmas Miracle! 

After a couple hours of relaxing and one or two....or four episodes of Vampire Diaries, 
we strapped on our safety helmets and peddled ourselves out to the Countryside of Phichit. 
Seriously, breath taking. I can't believe how green it is here! 
We kept saying how it looked like we were in Jurassic Park. 
At any moment we were 100% prepared for a T-rex to come trompin through the trees at any moment. 
Alas, no T-rex. But I digress, the ride was amazing. And we can't wait to explore even more. 

Tonight we sat around and talked for like 3 hours straight after dinner.
That's the best thing about having roomies. 
Let me clarify, good roomies. 
We can sit around and talk and talk and talk for hours. Love it. 
Then we headed to this little outdoor restaurant place we pass every time we go to the clinic. 
It has such a laid back atmosphere and live music....and FRENCH FRIES.
So clearly, it is a hot spot. Everybody stares...and laughs at us and our safety helmets. 
And my inability to park a bike. 

Today was again, one of those "pinch me" days. 
I love days like today because it's like. 
And I get all sorts of excited, all over again. 

Pitsanalok adventure time.. 
Stay tuned! 

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