
This last weekend Dianna, Marci, Shayla, Angee and myself ventured to a nearby providence--Phitsanulok!
We had zero Idea what we were going to do once we got there but we were excited none-the-less.
After waiting for our train which was an hour late, we were finally on our way, and the adventures began!

This might be our groups favorite picture of all of us, idunno--ever? 
We all look so stupid hahahah. True personalities shining through right there.. 

As you can see, the train was a liiite crowded. 
The sucky thing was, it was crowded before 20 yellow-shirted students decided to all cram next to the American girls. 

When we finally arrived, we were starving! So like lost little puppies we wandered the streets aimlessly. 
This cute little Thai lady took pity on us, and pointed us in the direction of the local market, and said we would be able to find food there. Suuuure enough we found thee most delicious fried chicken I have ever partaken of in my life. Shayla and I enjoyed it a little too much I think.. 

After lunch that same little lady pointed us in the direction of some local attractions. 
We walked like pioneer children until we reached these awesome  Buddhist temple grounds. 
It was crazy because it was on a pretty busy main road but once you got on the grounds it was completely silent and really peaceful! And sooo pretty! These pictures don't even do it justice. We took advantage of the cool candle-lighting ceremony things and also "shook our fortunes free!" Mine was pretty dang funny...I'll have to post it on here sometime. All-in-all an awesome cultural experience! 
We saw thee cutest little bunnies at this market. 
Yep, they are dressed in fluffy dresses. 
We couldn't decide if this was cute or just sad...
We also saw this little cutie...just loungin around, comfortable as can be on a hot Thailand afternoon! 

The best part of this day? 
Okay, well maybe not the best part...but it was awesome. 
Is that we bought round-trip train tickets, lunch, and multiple drinks throughout the day..
for a whopping $3.20!! Not too shabby, I'd say. 

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