Picture Vomit.

There is really no way I could sit here and write all my spastic thoughts right now. 
All I can say is that Thailand is amazing.
After almost one whole week..
It's everything I ever thought, and soo much more. 

Marci, Myself, Shayla and Angee--ready to get this show on the road!

So this was our first meal of our 14 hour flight. It's called "Bitmap" and they have it in either chicken or beef..unfortunately they were out of chicken. I just happened to wake up right before it came around...at 3am. So I woke Shayla up next to me cause I thought for sure she would not want to miss our first meal! 
hahahah, baddd idea. We were soo groggy from our sleeping pills and Shayla just kept saying over and over again "Why are they feeding us at 3am? I'm so confused, why are we eating at 3am?" Hilarious. And it happened to be very turbulant at this point in the flight...needless to say, we did not eat much.. bleh. 
Annd this was our second meal. 
We could have "Continental" or Korean Porage. 
At this point, we were starving..soo...we went with the continental--familiar and trustworthy. 
Waiting for our next flight in Korea! ...a little less glamorous, but happy none-the-less!
Dianna is our head teacher, she is always taking the pictures and never in them. 

After what felt like a bazillion hour flight, which was really only 6, 
we landed in Bangkok! Stood in the customs line for an eternity, collected our bags..
and felt a bit like Harry Potter as we strolled off with our luggage.

Our poor, poor driver. He somehow managed to fit 15+ bags into our little van all by himself. 
We also noted, that our van was fully equipped with Karaoke and a wonderful feet smell...bleh.

Our first Thai sunset! Not a very good picture, but it was kind of cool to experience none-the-less. 

Just some sights from our 4+ hour drive through Bangkok and north to Phichit! 
Everything is super colorful and almost tacky looking. The cities are filthy, but I love it!!

This is a tiny bit of our house! I didn't take a lot of pictures, because we wont be here for long.
But this is Marci and I's room, it's kinda small and wooden...and filled with ants--but it's home!
We also discovered today some mystery cocoon on our window... that has been broken.
Sooo we are hoping there is not some mystery creature roaming around our room..but there probably is...
And that top picture, is the view from our little room balcony! It's cool cause it overlooks all of these roofs
And cats..there are always lots of cats below the balcony too. Which is always fun. I love me some kitties. 

Our first day here Tang (our native coordinator) took us all around Phichit for a little tour. 
She also took us to this delicious duck soup place. Mom has been trying to get me to eat duck for years at no avail... finally I succumbed to it and it was soo yummy! Maybe because it has been good all along..maybe because I was eating duck in Thailand, who knows. But those brown jello-ee looking things..
Yeah, that's another story. Tang made us take a bite of it before she would tell us what it was. So like good sports we did--and then she decides to tell us that it is indeed "congealed duck blood." It might have not been so bad, but once she said congealed, and blood in the same sentence....It was all over. 
Then to make up for the horrific blood experience..
she took us to this little smoothie shop that is nothing short of amazing. 
We discover new smoothie shops every day...
which we have a love/hate relationship with because $1 smoothies add up, vuury quickly. 
And thiiisss ladies and gents...is where we will be teaching/LIVING for the next 4 months!!
Tang just built this school and it is literally still being built..workers everywhere.
And the school opens Tuesday. So, we will see how that goes. 
But it is absolutely beautiful. Supposedly, it was supposed to be modeled after "hogwarts" 
But Tang said it ended up looking more like a church. Seriously, it is gorgeous.
More pictures to come on this blessed place. Ahh we can't wait to move in. 
Bridge right by our house that allows us to walk over the Muddy "Nam" river.
And takes us to the train station that takes us to church!

Our bikes + baskets
Our mode of transportation.
Surely the way, IF we die...in which we will die. 

My Phichit street! Right outside the clinic/our house. 

Clearly, exercise is very important to Thai people...
there is equipment everywhere. Parks, side of the road...you name it. 

We love going to this open air market and have already been there three times. 
They have tons of fruits, veggies, meat (that stinks beyond belief) and all sorts of other treasures. 
The best part we have discovered so far is A) The 7-11 across the street..
and B) The amazing tiny glazed doughnuts for like 20 cents. Mmm..

Did I mention I love Thailand?
Because I do :)

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