Ode To Sweetened-Condensed Milk.

Thailand is notorious for a few things we have come to find out: 

- Their beaches...which we have yet to experience) 
- Food on the streets...which is often the most delicious food we've found. 
- Buddist temples...which are AMAZING (More on that later) 
- Squatter toilets....definitely an experience, also..no toilet-paper. 
- No trash cans...seriously, there are zero trash cans up in these parts. 
- A disbelief in napkins...you WILL lick that chicken grease off your fingers. How dare you waste. 

And last but certainly not least. 
-Sweetened-Condensed Milk....Which we have at leasssst three times a day. 

As it turns out, Thai people use SCM in literally, everything. 
And it's probbbbably the best thing that has ever happened to us girls, idunno..ever? 
You want a smoothie? Sure! Add a little SCM to that. 
You want some fried chips? Absolutely. Heavy, or light SCM? 
How about some soda in a bag? Wonderful! Have a little soda with your SCM. 

You catch my drift here? 
It's in everything. And like I said, it's wonderful, and amazing, and delicious.
Obviously, because I felt the need to blog about it.  
It's quickly becoming an addiction, and we are quickly becoming giant fatties. 
But at this point. I don't even care.
Let the good times, and sweetened-condensed milk keep on rollin'.

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