Things I've Learned While In Thailand--Part One.

  1. Thai food is the best thing that will ever happen to me. I don't think I have ever eaten so many vegetables and so much food, for so cheap! They say you loose weight here...but we are 98% sure we are going to be gaining weight. 
  2. Americans could seriously use some hospitality lessons from these Thai people. They are all so welcoming and friendly. It seems like we are always being invited into shops, given free food and they try so hard to communicate with us and help us in any way that they can.
  3. Ants will get into anything and everything. Bug spay in Thailand is essential. 
  4. Being on the other side of the world, in a completely different country, doing completely different things never really sets in. Sometimes you have to pinch yourself to be reminded that this is indeed real life. Though sometimes it does hit you as you ride your bike through dirty Phichit streets, and it's awesome. 
  5. My skin is confused. It can't decide if the humidity is amazing or terrible. My hair on the other hand--loves it. I guess we will see... 
Two more days until we get to start teaching!
Can't wait to get my hands on those tiny Thai tots. 
In the most un-creepy way possible, of course. 

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