Momma said there'd be days like this.

Tally-ho! Well it’s official, we are all moved into our new pad, and to put things lightly—it’s taking some getting used to, to say the least. Is it weird to be home sick for a home you lived in for two weeks? To make things a little clearer for those of you on the other side of the world—enjoy these here lists.

Pros about the new school:
  •  So nice getting an extra hour of sleep because we don’t have to ride our bikes to school in the morning, we’re already here!
  • Lesson planning is easy peasy because everything we need is just right down stairs.
  •  The country surrounding the school is absolutely breath taking.
  • We all get to sleep in the same room! Can you say slumber party every night?
  • We all get our own beds.
  • We got to finally unpack all of our junk after two weeks, and put pictures up on the walls! It’s already starting to feel a bit more like home.
  • The school was modeled after Hogwarts—what more can even be said?

Cons about the new school:
  • There are SO MANY BUGS. Bug zapping with electric zapper is quickly becoming one of our very favorite pass-times. You wouldn’t believe the firework show that one single moth gives on that baby!
  • It is about a 15 minute bike ride from town. Not terrible, no. But when you are used to the outdoor market and 3 delicious smoothie shops within 5 minutes—it takes some getting used to.
  • Five girls—all in the same room.
  • Three of the Thai teachers now live with us here at the school, which is great for us! Except the separate kitchen house is still being built, sooo they come and go as they please to and fro our room with the sink, food items and table.
  • There are four grand showers. That only one of us can use at a time because there are not any shower curtains yet…
  • The only two adult toilets in the upstairs bathroom…are side by side, that’s it. No stalls, no walls….we could full on have a face to face discussion while going to the bathroom. Awesome.
  • I have to dowse myself with a heavy layer of bug spray each night before bed. And that’s AFTER covering all of my previous bites with calamine.
  •  No internet for a few days—you’ve never seen five girls so bummed.

All and all, I think we are all missing the clinic house just a bit. It was so nice to have sweet little Granny cooking for us each day, and eating dinner with “mom” and “dad”, Tang and Tong once in a while. But this is our new home now, and we’re going to make the best of it! I put my pictures from home up tonight, right next to my bed, it's starting to feel homey again already. 

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